Another Grammar Chicken Little Bites the Dust


Fun quiz:

1. I got an email from a man who reads my column in his community news insert to the Los Angeles Times -- the physical newspaper that lands on his doorstep every morning. Was his name:

a. Jayden

b. Josh

c. Fred

2. This reader wrote to me because:

a. He thinks it's awesome how young people keep reinventing the language and making it their own.

b. He wanted to pitch me SEO services.

c. He's alarmed that the very, very important rules of grammar he was taught in his glory days are going straight to hell as young ignoramuses who don't know the rules of language continue to do it permanent harm.

You guessed right. Fred's pissed about young people's bad grammar. Here's an excerpt from his email:

I see bad writing everywhere: Awkward sentences, minimal punctuation, misspellings, misuse of words, references to things not previously mentioned, use of acronyms not previously noted, etc. The reason those in my age group fuss about this so much is because we have seen our culture spiral down, which the younger generation can’t see (yet!).

Here's how I responded.


