October 2, 2023



In casual contexts, it's not wrong to use "thru" as a shortened form of "through." But when in doubt, spell it out.

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September 25, 2023

'Founder' and 'Flounder'


To founder means to sink. To flounder means to struggle or move about clumsily. A ship can do both, technically, but if you're writing about a sea vessel, you probably want "founder."

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September 18, 2023

Existential 'There'


When you say, "There is a man walking down the street," you're flipping around a simpler sentence like "A man is walking down the street." That's the power of existential "there."

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September 11, 2023

Scare Quotes


When you use regular quotation marks to indicate you're using a word in an ironic or questionable way, you're using scare quotes.

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September 5, 2023

Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory

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Really, there are just four basic sentence types: Statements, questions, commands and exclamations. Here's a closer look.

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August 28, 2023

Momma or Mama?


Here are the best ways to write kinship names.

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August 21, 2023

From Soup, Comma, to Nuts?

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A lot of writers assume that long from ... to phrases, like "From spending time with family and friends to browsing the local shops," take a comma. Usually, though, they don't.

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August 14, 2023

Periods and Spaces in Initials

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Do you put periods in "US"? Do you put spaces between the initials in "J. R. R. Tolkien"? Usually, it depends on which editing style you're following. The most important thing is to be consistent.

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August 7, 2023

'Preventive' or 'Preventative'?


When two versions of the same word are correct, like "preventive" and "preventative," how do you choose?

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July 31, 2023

The Man 'That' or the Man 'Who'?


Though careful writers tend to prefer "who" for humans, it's a myth that you can't use "that."

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