Faulty Sentence Structure

If your sentence isn't working, take a good, hard look at you subject and verb.


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2 Responses to “Faulty Sentence Structure”

  1. I know this is an usage error but can't remember what it is called. Help!


    "The man he fell down"
    "The police they need your help"


  2. Nancy: I don't know what it's called either. It's just a duplicate subject without a comma to make it appositive or a dash to indicate an abrupt restructuring of the sentence.

    Correct: The man, he fell down.
    Correct: The man -- he fell down.
    Incorrect (but I don't know a term for it): The man he fell down.

    It's kinda like:

    Me, I prefer pepperoni

    Without a comma or other punctuation, it's just two words vying to govern the same verb.